Wow what a show...I had such a great time this may take awhile to type...Jil and I drove down from Nashville on Thursday to Dallas and stopped shortly at her sister and brother-in-law's to drop off her stuff before heading down to see Kristian in Dallas...we got there as he was scrambling to finish off a few paintings before a show the next night at Zues Comics...after grabbing a few drinks and hanging out for a bit Jil took off and I helped kris with whatever I could to get ready for the convention and show the next day...
unfortunately the drive, late night, lack of food but a few beers put me in quite a cranky mood on Friday....and with our mad dash to get out the door and to Zues to drop off the paintings I left my wallet at Kris's apartment...which of course we didn't find out till we were at the doors of the convention center...which made us both a bout 2 hours late getting inside after going back and forth...but with food in my stomach I finally got out of my mood and the con went into high gear...

Ziggy had been there since it opened and was holding down the fort...while the guy next to me never showed up and I got a free extra 4 ft for the rest of the con...after doing a ton of sketches and selling a few minis we framed a few more pieces for Kris after the con and headed over to the show for a great time...it was an amazing turnout and Kris did real well that night selling most of his painings...all save for a a Batman pice that I slowly fell in love with over the weekend and eventually bought on the ver last minute of the con...

Saturday of course was the most insane day of the con as tons of people showed up and I ended up being booked for sketches from the time I got there to the very last half hour of the show....i didn't get to walk around nearly as much as I was hoping...Jil came all three days of course and was thrilled to help sell the minis and prints...I'm so happy she came...we had a great time together...we made a lot of great friends and had an all around good time...after meeting some of my personal favorite artists, meeting my first fans(!) and getting a great response to my work on Saturday, Jil, Kris, our new friend PJ and I ended up getting pizza before a late night Live Art show in Arlington...which although late and outside and freezing(Texas?)...was pretty cool...of course not getting home until 2:30 am was a little dangerous as this

last day of the con still turned out to be very busy for me since I was again booked for sketches for the rest of the afternoon...later that night Jil and I had dinner with her sister and brother-in-law and crashed early...
the drive was safe and now I am taking tuesday off in my pjs and sweats reading all my trades I picked up and catching up on last weeks tv before jumping into the deep end of commisions, design and more comic work...I got a large handful of great Viper comic trades that I'm really excited to read, some classics that I had never picked up in the past, and some new Indy books that I thought I'd give a shot...the new trade pile now stands about a foot and a half high believe it or not...I also need to hang the awesome Batman painting I got from Kris...

Thank you to everyone I met over the weekend....every single one of you were incredibly gracious and encouraging and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it...thanks Kris for the couch, thanks PJ for the awesome new music, thanks Jil for being an awesome girlfriend and looking SOoooo hot in a superman shirt, thanks James, Eric, and Albert for loving my work enough to get a few sketches, prints, and minis each...and thanks to all you guys who prayed for a successfull weekend...I was totally blessed I really appreciate all who kept me on their mind...
my fingers hurt...I'm going to go read Daisy Kutter and watch The Office...peace!